The Conservative Prime Minister, Edward Heath, took the UK into the EEC in January 1973 after President de Gaulle of France had blocked UK membership twice in the 1960s. This brought EEC membership to ...
To the House of Commons. All petitions must be addressed to the House of Commons. Starting a petition like this helps to make it clear who your petition is for. The petition of … Include a brief ...
The Chapel of St Stephen's has shaped much of the nature of the House of Commons as we know it today. In 1348, Edward III established the Chapel as a college for secular canons. When services were ...
You are encouraged to use and re-use the information that is available under this licence freely and flexibly, with only a few conditions. Use of copyright and database right material made available ...
This award was launched in 2009. It is granted to the next of kin of Armed Forces personnel killed on operations or as a result of terrorism as a mark of national recognition for their loss. Named the ...