GVSU professor Amy Campbell will be the next member of the Grandville Public Schools Board of Education after a unanimous ...
Zinser Elementary fifth-graders spent the past few months growing plants and their knowledge of how hydroponic and aquaponic ...
Fifth-graders used their imaginations and attention to detail to create dioramas of a cabin in a children’s historical novel.
Kentwood Public Schools feeds thousands of students every day. The Falcon News Network team explores how the district makes ...
At Highlands, middle-schoolers are learning new skills in a pickleball class that’s part of Northview’s BASE (Belonging and After-School Engagement) programming.
Godfrey-Lee’s youngest students are learning integrity, acceptance and confidence in a new character development class at the ...
According to the GSRP 2022-23 Annual Report, the latest available, the 38,467 children served statewide by GSRP in 2022-23 ...
This seventh-grader is working toward her black belt in karate, an accomplishment that signifies an elite level of ...
Rep. Carol Glanville talked with constituents about education budget issues while visiting Kent District Library’s Grandville ...
Throughout his many moves, a constant in Miguel’s life has been his desire to become “a successful businessman.” But that’s ...
Assistant Superintendent Mark Provost, a former Godfrey-Lee Legend, now feels right at home as a Thornapple Kellogg Trojan.
Students in grades 8-12 have discovered how studying German has expanded their world and built stronger English skills.