The opposition has made it comfortably past base camp. but whether he can climb to the electoral summit remains to be seen.
Teste de pH do sangue do cordão umbilical pode ajudar a identificar bebês com risco de danos cerebrais e deficiências.
O Brasil tem a terceira maior população de animais de estimação do mundo, e em cidades como São Paulo a visita de pets a ...
A new project worked with children after the disastrous 2022 Lismore floods. There are lessons for how to help young people ...
Sayangnya, pemerintah belum memberikan apresiasi yang layak bagi kader kesehatan. Di Jawa Tengah, misalnya, kader hanya ...
With former strongman Rodrigo Duterte in prison, the Philippines may become even more divided – with a pivotal election ...
Momma’s right here and she’s pissed’: influencers can show wildlife to their audience without traumatising baby wombats ...
Selain tersingkirkan karena aktivitas eksploitasi, nomad laut tidak bisa berlindung ke aparat karena persoalan kependudukan ...
Hepatitis B can lead to liver disease. But we can prevent and manage this viral infection. Here’s what we know about the ...
Recruitment incentives are needed to boost the number of emergency services volunteers to respond to natural disasters and ...