Having banned 'foreign clothes', Tajikistan's president is set to issue 'scientific' advice on what women should wear. Some ...
It saw members of the Soviet Union, supported by the Republic of Afghanistan, attacked by over 200 Mujahideen rebels and Pakistani mercenaries. The resulting conflict would see over 200 Mujahideen ...
Instead, these birds were used to terrorize Afghan villagers in the failed Soviet-Afghan War that defined the 1980s. The Mi-24 Hind was developed by the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant and was first flown ...
But the rise of communism, the Red Army’s persecution of religious people across Central Asia and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 led the Jews of Afghanistan to leave for good to ...
One of the keys to the Taliban success was they offered an alternative. They said, “Look, the mujahedeen fought heroically to liberate your country but have now turned it into a war zone. We offer ...
He compared the situation to the 1990s in Russia, when the return of veterans from the Soviet-Afghanistan war fueled violence across the former USSR. Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry pushed back ...
Russia's artillery has profound strategic and psychological effects, and its use through history has signalled the nation's ...
Former Soviet officials insist that Gorbachev's decisions to withdraw Soviet forces from Afghanistan and to end the arms race were made despite the Reagan buildup and SDI. In 1983 Gorbachev ...
Then, on New Year's Day 1980, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, a non-aligned nation. Castro's foreign policy received a crushing blow. "Like a man at the horse races he bet all his money on a ...
Boris Gromov, a hero of the Soviet Union, Afghan war veteran and former Moscow Region governor, told TASS in an interview. "I’d like to stress that our troops are acting courageously and with ...